El Zaribah Greeters Unit
When: 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM (normally preceded by a dinner at 6 PM in the Red Fez Room)
Where: Greeters Room
Divan Rep: Assistant Rabban
President: Chuck Richards
1st VP: George Sise
Secretary: Rob Lowe
Treasurer: Jeremy Sise
Purpose of The Greeters:
To welcome all Nobles to our temple. To promote new ideas, new members and new life into the temple. To provide assistance to the Potentate whenever requested and to project a quality image for El Zaribah Shriners.
Upcoming Events:
None at this time.
Want to join the Greeters?
Download the Greeter application, fill it out.
Next task is to contact a Greeter and he will take care of you from there.